Parklet applications due by 4/17

parkletThe SF Planning Department has issued a new round of Requests For Proposals for organizations/businesses that want to sponsor a parklet outside their building. The deadline is April 17th.

Visit here to find out more information.

Myself (as an individual), architect Jack Verdon, team member Caleb Haley, and sponsoring business Arizmendi Bakery worked together on the first Inner Sunset parklet on 9th Avenue. In the year or so since the parklet was installed, the outcome has been very successful. This has become a great gathering space and has really brightened up the street. Find out more about our experiences working on this project.

Now, of course, a parklet is not an automatic winner – its location and design must be carefully thought through – but with care and effort it can be a wonderful presence in the public realm.

Contact me at / 415-731-1139 if you would like advice, from me as an individual, on submitting a parklet application.

Adam Greenfield
President, Inner Sunset Park Neighbors